Friday, October 5, 2007

who the hell is Johnny Sprocket?

I have been asked, now that he has commented on my blog and so graisouly put me as a link on his blog, who the hell is Johnny Sprocket? Unfortunatly, I met Johnny Sprocket before the advent of the digital camera - hell, even before Al Gore invented the internet. Thus, I have no pictures of the man who calls himself Johny Sprocket. I can only say that at one time I looked up to him as a roll model, a person who lived thier life to the fullest and always accepted a challenge with a bitting sense of humor and the wit of an Irishman (even though he's German). Men wanted to be him and girls wanted to be with him. Unfortunately, as time progressed I fell out of communication with Johnny Sprocket. Judging from his blog he has moved into his responsible adult years with same vitality and humor that characterized his earlier years. Even if you don't know Johnny Sprocket, I encourage you to read his blog as it is quite humorous as well informative.

1 comment:

Johnny GoFast said...

Hey Jonas-
Thanks for the write up. Look forward to reading your "stuff". You're already off to a good start.